Mirror, mirror on the wall, whose is the fairest staircase of them all? Mine ... now! (Okay, I know ... it's not the fairest of them all but what a cute segue to my Post).

Here is what we started with when we purchased our house. See all the packing boxes ... they (previous owners) were on their way out and we (new owners) were on our way in! I was very excited.
Pink walls. Actually, the entire house was pink! No offense to pink and those who adore the colour - it just wasn't the interior I was dreaming of.
So after all the painting was complete - the work began. I wanted to transform our understated staircase, within our scope of expertise & skill (limited at best) and within a budget.

I'm certain some of my fellow dog-owners can relate to the pup who just has to be in the middle of it all!

I started collecting mirrors for this project. Remember my Turner Mirror? I purchased another Turner Mirror off of a seller from Kijiji. She had already (conveniently) painted it Heirloom White.

This mirror was a total deal at HomeSense. I watched it from afar, first selling for a whopping $299.99. Way out of my budget and I did not 'love' it. It was high-gloss black.
It didn't sell and kept having it's price reduced - until I snatched it up for $49.99. It received the same treatment as the other mirrors, primed and painted Heirloom White.

The sheer size of this mirror commands attention on the wall where we placed it!

It draws your attention up the stairs.

Our staircase does not have the advantage of any natural light therefore the choice of mirrors was perfect for this location. Depending on where the sun is coming in from the main level, one of the mirrors may pick up a hint of sunlight and it is able to bounce around amongst all the mirrors.

I am very pleased with how this project turned out!

We added a new chandelier at the top of the stairs.

My column from an old estate.

It's aged with a beautiful patina.
And chippy paint.

Depending on where you are standing and looking, the mirrors are like pictures, framing another view.

I'm going to keep collecting mirrors and eventually have a whole wall full!

But for now ... I'm content.

And Hubs can enjoy a couple of days off!

I'm linking to Cindy's Romantic Home Show & Tell Friday!
Cheers ~ Lisa ~