I would like you to meet my other two dogs - Jasmine and Dusky. Strider was previously introduced in an earlier post. Please note where these dogs enjoy spending all their spare time lounging.
Jasmine (isn't she pretty) is a Whippet.
Dusky is only 8 pounds. He is a Toy Manchester Terrier. We don't see many of this breed in my area.

Jasmine and Dusky have always been allowed to be up on the furniture. And really, why not ..... they are very important parts of our family. And they have been taking advantage of that luxury for over a decade now.

Unfortunately, as a result of this, my lovely couch cushions are starting to look like this!

This is one of the reasons I have been so motivated to learn to sew. I could make myself slipcovers for the cushions. It would be easier to go out and buy new furniture but why??? We have always loved this furniture and it is oh, so comfy. And how about simply being conservative? Reduce, Recycle, Reuse.
This is the fabric I decided to use. The strip I already had in my fabric collection. Yes, I have a large fabric collection. I adore fabric so I think I was destined to learn to sew.

This is all the fabric together. The original green, which will still be the back and arms of the loveseat and couch plus the 2 new fabrics that will make up the seat cushion slipcovers.

This is where women create (okay, I'm really
attempting to create with a lot of assistance from Ms. Brenda).

I have now been to 3 sewing classes and I have learned much. This is my invisible zipper
(which I could never duplicate again on my own).

I sewed like a maniac to ensure I would finish my first cushion during my last lesson. I had the foot petal to the metal!
And this is what I accomplished! My very first cushion slipcover. And I am PROUD!!!

I think the colours blend nicely with the rest of the floral cushions.

One down and three more to go!
Have a great weekend - Cheers ~ Lisa ~